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This book will also guide the reader down a Scriptural path confronting humanistic beliefs concerning honoring his parents. No one knows how many days we have left. As a result of applying principles found in this book, may days be added to lives and may they be Christ-honoring days.
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. (Ephesians 6:3) Any child who attended Sunday School was probably taught that honoring his parents results in a long life. Even a child could reason that if honor brings long life then dishonor brings short life. Later in life perhaps the first part of that verse begins to have meaning, That it may be well with thee… It is sad to think of how many adults are without peace in their lives because they failed to understand …the first commandment with promise,… We ask our children to pay close attention to the benefits of this promise. As we get older and our parent’s age, hopefully, we begin to realize that honoring our parents is simply the honorable and right thing to do. As our children grow, may we become keenly aware of another promise in Scripture, the promise of sowing and reaping.
On the pages of this new book, The Lost Commandment by Dr. Bob Gray, Sr., those who have been reared in a home with Bible instruction will realize how fortunate they have been. Not everyone has had that privilege. This book is a valuable resource of Bible instruction that, if heeded, will alter life spans and bring forth God’s blessings. This book will also guide the reader down a Scriptural path confronting humanistic beliefs concerning honoring his parents. As you walk this path, may you allow the Holy Spirit to confirm the importance of this subject and combat the error of prideful thinking. Make no mistake, to knowingly dishonor your parents, no matter your age is rebellion against the Bible we say we believe; and to honor them is truly one of the privileges of life. No one knows how many days we have left. As a result of applying principles found in this book, may days be added to lives, and may they be Christ-honoring days.
Author: Bob Gray Sr. | Pages: 107 | Chapters: 46 | Format: Paperback
Iron Man Baptist Books